Palm Sunday- Palms, Praises, Protests and Prophecy
Mark Barbee

All of us can picture the Palm branches along the way as Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, just six days before the Passover.  This is called The Triumphal Entry.  The people cut the branches to wave before him and lay in the path before him.  They shouted Praises and hailed him as their messiah, their king.  “Hosanna to the son of David.  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.  Blessed is the king of Israel.”

That was the moment of his supreme popularity.  But though the people spoke truth, they didn’t yet understand the real reason he had come.  He would become their messiah and king by dying on a cross.

Luke takes us to the next point: the Pharisees Protested the praises of the people.  “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” they said.  Jesus replied, “I tell you, if they keep quiet the stones will cry out.”  This reminds us that whether people accept Jesus or not, it doesn’t change the truth of who he is!  This is also a reminder that leaders, who often care only about themselves, will bring condemnation on the people they are supposed to serve.    

Then as Jesus came closer to the holy city, he wept over its fate and Prophesied that the city would be destroyed because; “You did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.” Luke 19:44.  Ultimately the city did reject him.  The praises turned to jeering and cries of “crucify him”.  

How about you?  Do you recognize the time of God’s coming to you in Jesus?  Did you respond when you realized that Jesus went to the cross for each one of us?  I hope so, for them you can praise him not just as a popular figure, but as the One who comes in the name of the Lord.  In the end, Jerusalem rejected Jesus.  But you can still accept him as your messiah and king.  Lift up your voice and praise him.  If you don’t have a palm branch, lift up your hands in praise!  The palm branches remind us of peace with God.  Let’s give him thanks that he went from the Triumph to the Cross.  Let’s remember the Palms, the Praises, the Protests and the Prophecy of Palm Sunday.  

Lord, make this a fresh Palm Sunday for us.  Bring home to us the meaning of the Triumphal Entry.  Let us see Jesus’ heart for all of us.  He still weeps over our sin.  But thank you that he went on to redeem us by his blood.  Thank you, that we can receive him in our own lives and have peace with you.  Thank you Jesus, that you came humbly on a donkey and humbled yourself to the cross.  Death couldn’t hold you and you rose from the dead.  But we also praise you that next time you come you will be riding a white horse, riding on the clouds, blazing across the sky.  You will destroy evil and take us to your heavenly city.  Then we will all enjoy the final Triumph.  Thank you Lord, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.