Summary of this week's sermon
Every week we want to have a 5 day devotional recapping our previous sermon so we can grow deeper together.
This past Sunday we continued in our series on Relationships. This week we are looking at "The Deepest of Friends."
Day 1: The Power of Your Inner Circle
Have you ever noticed how certain friends bring out different sides of you? Some friendships lift us higher, while others might pull us in directions we'd rather not go. It's not by accident that God's Word emphasizes the importance of who we choose to walk closely with in life. Our friendships aren't just social connections - they're spiritual influences that shape our character, decisions, and ultimately, our walk with God. Just as a gardener carefully tends to their garden, we need to be intentional about cultivating relationships that help us grow in our faith journey. This doesn't mean we should only associate with perfect people (they don't exist!), but rather seek out those who will encourage us toward Christ-like character.
Bible Verse
"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm." - Proverbs 13:20
Reflection Question
Take a moment to reflect: How have your closest friendships influenced your spiritual journey over the past year?
Who is in our inner circle has an influence on our outer walk.
Heavenly Father, grant me wisdom to discern the relationships that draw me closer to You. Help me be intentional about nurturing friendships that encourage spiritual growth. Guide me in being that kind of friend to others. Amen.
Day 2: Beyond Surface-Level Connections
In our social media age, it's easy to mistake followers for friends and likes for love. True friendship goes deeper than casual connections or convenient companionship. God designed friendship to be a powerful force for growth, support, and transformation in our lives. While we might have hundreds of acquaintances, covenant friendships - those deep, committed relationships - are rare and precious. These are the friends who see beyond our carefully curated public image and love us through our messy moments. They're the ones who celebrate our victories and sit with us in our valleys.
Bible Verse
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity." - Proverbs 17:17
Reflection Question
What holds you back from being more vulnerable and authentic in your friendships?
Good time friends are cool, but real time friends are deep.
Lord, help me move beyond surface-level relationships and develop deeper, more meaningful friendships. Give me courage to be vulnerable and authentic with others. Thank you for the gift of true friendship. Amen.
Day 3: The Gift of Loving Truth
True friendship sometimes requires having difficult conversations. While it's easier to stay silent or simply agree with everything our friends do, real love means caring enough to speak truth, even when it's uncomfortable. A genuine friend isn't just someone who makes us feel good - they're someone who helps us become better. They're willing to have those challenging conversations because they care more about our character than our comfort. This kind of truth-telling isn't about judgment or criticism; it's about love that wants God's best for us.
Bible Verse
"Wounds from a sincere friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." - Proverbs 27:5-6
Reflection Question
When was the last time you either gave or received loving correction from a friend? How did it impact your relationship?
A true friend will wound you to grow you.
Father, give me the courage to speak truth in love and the humility to receive it. Help me value growth over comfort in my friendships. Make me both a truth-teller and a grace-giver. Amen.
Day 4: Growing Together in Faith
Just as iron sharpens iron, friends can help refine and strengthen each other's faith. This mutual sharpening isn't always comfortable - it involves friction, pressure, and sometimes sparks! But the result is growth that couldn't happen in isolation. When we surround ourselves with friends who challenge us spiritually, encourage us in our walk with God, and model Christ-like character, we become stronger believers. These relationships push us beyond our comfort zones and help us become more like Jesus.
Bible Verse
"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." - Proverbs 27:17
Reflection Question
In what ways are your friendships challenging you to grow spiritually? Are you that kind of friend to others?
A true friend encourages you to be what God desires, no matter the cost.
Lord, thank you for friends who sharpen my faith. Help me be intentional about growing together with others in our spiritual journey. Make me a friend who encourages others toward greater faithfulness. Amen.
Day 5: Sacrificial Love in Friendship
The ultimate model for friendship is Jesus Himself, who demonstrated the greatest love by laying down His life for us. While we may not be called to physically die for our friends, we are called to die to our selfishness, convenience, and comfort for the sake of others. True friendship often requires sacrifice - of time, energy, resources, and sometimes our own plans or preferences. When we love others sacrificially, we reflect Christ's love to the world and experience the deep joy that comes from genuine, selfless friendship.
Bible Verse
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." - John 15
Reflection Question
What sacrifices might God be calling you to make to be a better friend to those in your life?
A true friend loves you more than themselves.
Jesus, thank you for modeling perfect friendship through your sacrificial love. Help me love others selflessly, putting their needs before my own comfort. Show me practical ways to demonstrate this kind of love today. Amen.