Just a Good Teacher? (2/3/22)
Mark Barbee

No, Jesus was a Master Teacher, a brilliant rabbi, who backed up everything he said with godly wisdom and miracles.  I’m always suspicious when someone puts the word “just” before anything having to do with God or faith.  That is usually an attempt to minimize something.  

Jesus was not a good teacher if he was lying about who he was.  Nor was he a good teacher if he was confused or mentally deficient.  C.S. Lewis states clearly our dilemma.  Either Jesus was a Liar, a Lunatic, or the Lord of all!  His miracles indicate the latter.  His enemies did not dispute his miracles.  They simply attributed them to evil forces.  After three years of miracles, the cynics could not deny them, only criticize his unorthodox approach to things (in their judgment).  Did you hear?  Why Jesus healed people on the Sabbath instead of resting!  

They were the ones motivated by evil and they proved it by crucifying him unjustly.  But thousands of people believed in Jesus and saw him for what he was– the Messiah and Son of God.  His closest disciples were stricken and confused for a couple days after the crucifixion.  Then came the resurrection, validating everything the Teacher had taught them.  They later remembered that he even warned them that he would die and come back.  He had predicted that even to the Pharisees, his enemies.  He said, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it again!”  (Jn. 2:19)

At the beginning of his ministry, even his brothers entertained the thought that he might be mad.  Their older brother claiming to be the Son of God?  How could it be?  They can be forgiven, for after the resurrection they too received him as Lord.  Two of them wrote letters years later that are still in our New Testament today.

It’s been said that if Jesus hadn’t really existed, it would be impossible to make him up.  He parried and thrusted with the Pharisees and Sadducees with pure Godly wisdom, logic and Scriptures.  He often silenced them by his brilliance.  He was teaching them something they could hardly imagine: that he was the Messiah and the Son of God, the Word made flesh.  

The gospel of John shows the growing conflict with the leaders of his day more clearly than the other three.  The controversy was ultimately followed by Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, just outside Jerusalem.  The Pharisees could no longer ignore this.  They tried to stone Jesus on a couple occasions.  Jesus just slipped away.  How?  They could only arrest him when he gave himself up!    He was a willing sacrifice, not a victim of circumstances.  Far from the situation being out of control, Jesus was always in control.  

We pray that Jesus is in control of your life today.  He will be, if you surrender to Him.  Satan can harass us, but we are never out of Jesus’ control.  The world can bring us down, but Jesus lifts us up!  The will of God will be done in our lives if we surrender to Him!  Is he Lord of your life, or just another good teacher?

Lord, help us to surrender to you and be lifted up.  Help us to remember that when things are against us, you are for us.  Things are not falling apart, but actually falling into place.  You are the Lord of our lives and we trust you today.  

Lord, increase our faith to see you beyond our daily struggles.  You are with us.  Thank you for Jesus, for your Holy Spirit.  Speak to us your words of comfort and encouragement.  Thank you for the words of songs and hymns that come into our minds when we need them.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.